đź’Ą Maximize Google ads as dropshippers!

Happy Monday to each beautiful face reading this! Hope the start of your day was productive, now it’s time for you to wind down with your dose of marketing news and jargon so you can make more money for yourself or your clients.

What to expect today:

  • đź’Ą Maximizing Google ads for drop shippers

  • đź“Š Understanding Google’s ad ranking.

  • 🎰 In-game advertising company Anzu raises $48 milly (million)

đź’Ą Maximizing Google ads for dropshippers

let’s be real.

Paid ads won’t save your business.

If you’re missing all the fundamentals, you can't expect paid ads of any sort to work for you.

But, if you have ALL the fundamentals down and you’re just setting up shit ads, that's another story.

Take one of our previous clients (who will remain nameless) who drop-shipped whiskey glasses.

Before we took them on, their account had worse returns than an NFT trader.

We thought this was going to be hell. Another drop shipper with a bad product trying to get ads to be the saving grace for their business.

When we dove deeper, their product wasn't the problem at all. It was the ads.

These are the 3 things we found/changed to make his account go from 0.64 ROAS to 5.54!

1. They were targeting the wrong keywords. They were targeting keywords that were not even related to the product so if their ad showed up it would be completely different from the product the customer was searching for.

Example: if I'm selling whiskey glasses, I'm NOT gonna put “wine glasses” as a keyword, because those people AREN'T searching for whiskey glasses and we’ll be spending unnecessary money.

2. The ad copy was bland and boring. It was not clear what Kori Whiskey was selling, and it did not give potential customers a reason to click on their ads. This is your brand's first impression, make sure the tonality and words you use get your message across.

3. Their budgets were too low. When bidding for broad search terms, you’re going to have to cough up some bread to win these auctions. If your budgets are too low either the campaign won't have enough resources to gather information or you’ll be outbid by every one of your competitors.

After making these changes, Kori Whiskey saw a significant improvement in its Google Ads performance. Their ROAS went from 0.57x to 5.54x

Total Ad Spend: USD $2,671.20

Total Ad Generated Revenue: USD 14,795.01

ROAS: 5.54

Total Clicks: 2,876

Average Cost per Link Click: $0.93

Total Impressions: 33,040

📊 Understanding Google’s ad ranking.

As we talked about earlier, understanding ad ranking in Google Ads is crucial for optimizing your campaigns and improving visibility in search results.

Let's delve into the essentials of ad ranking and uncover the key factors that influence the positioning of your ads.

  1. Relevance and Quality: Ad relevance, determined by alignment with search queries and chosen keywords, is vital. Craft ad copy and choose keywords that closely match user intent. Ensure a high-quality landing page experience that is relevant to your ad.

  1. Expected Click-Through Rate (CTR): Google estimates the likelihood of users clicking on your ad based on historical data and ad quality. Create compelling ad copy and engaging extensions to improve your expected CTR.

  1. Bidding and Auction: Bidding plays a role in ad ranking. Set a maximum bid amount, but remember it's not the sole determinant. Google's ad auction evaluates ad rank based on bid amount, relevance, and quality. The highest-ranked ads are displayed.

  1. Ad Extensions and Formats: Utilize ad extensions to provide additional information and enhance ad visibility. Different ad formats have specific considerations for ad ranking, tailored to their respective requirements.

Understanding ad ranking in Google Ads requires focusing on relevance, quality, bidding, and ad extensions. By aligning your ads with user intent, optimizing landing pages, strategic bidding, and utilizing extensions, you can improve ad ranking and drive better campaign results.

Remember to monitor performance metrics and make data-driven adjustments for ongoing optimization.

Feel free to ask any specific questions you may have about ad ranking in Google Ads. Let's simplify the process and empower your advertising success!

🎰 In-game advertising company Anzu raises $48 milly (million)

Anzu, a company specializing in in-game advertising, has secured $48 million in Series B funding, propelling us further toward a future where every virtual storefront, beverage, and character customization option subtly promotes products and services to gamers.

With huge investors from grade-A companies, could in-game advertising be the next wave of digital marketing? Lmk your thoughts.

If you learned anything follow me on socials!